World Sight Day 2019 Vision first Vision is the most dorminant of the five senses . The wealth of a healthy eye and a 20/20 visual acuity cannot be underestimated.This is why the global society is built on our ability to see. The onus lies on Myself (Dr. Joel Kyeremeh, OD) and other medical professionals to do our bit in realization of the universal eye health system in every corner of the world we find ourselves. World sight Day is an annual day of awareness to focus on preventable blindness and vision impairments . The global human population is estimated 7.3 billion people in world . The demographic and lifestyle changes in human population now as compared to eons back has predisposed humans to myriad of unavailable health problems as the age. Everyone, if they are lucky to live long enough will experience at least one eye condition in their lifetime that require appropriate care . This eye care must be administered by eye professionals whose distribution are in pausity....