Computer Vision Syndrome

What is computer vision syndrome? Computer vision syndrome(Digital Eye Strain) is a group of eye and vision related problems that results from prolonged computer use. Many individuals spend prolonged time on near tasks,than at far.this puts stress on the visual system resulting in many discomforts: Near Point World. This technological generation predisposes us to spend more time on screen(laptop,smartphones,tablets) than on manual tasks,the eye always under stress and forced to adapt to tasks beyond its threshold.The average teen in the United States spends more than nine hours daily on the media for entertainment(playing computer games,Facebook,movies and office Jobs),the average 13- year old checks the social media more than hundred times daily.Analytically,people spend more time on screen than time to sleep.Prolonged stress on the eye and other organs of the body presents clinical Alerts for multiple causes;Fatigue,asthenopia and drowsiness. HOW DO COMPUTERS AFFEC...