
ALLERGIC/ HYPERSENSITIVITY CONJUNCTIVITIS Huraaaaay ! Summer is here once again...... Enjoy the best of every moment with your family and friends . Summer with all the fun that comes seasonally with it, brings many medical conditions that causes discomforts in the life of many individuals who fall a victim to the season due to their body's reaction to the weather . As many cant wait for summer to come,others fear for the seasons return because of their eye ALLERGIES that recurrently occurs every summer ;medically its called VERNAL KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS ( spring catarrh ). Allergies are simply a hypersensitivity reaction of the human body following exposure to noxious stimuli in the environment.(pollen,dust,smoke,snow,perfumes,contact lenses,drugs,surgical sutures etc).Allergens as type 1 (immediate ) hypersensitivity reaction resulting in the secretion of eosinophils and mast cell degranulation causing inflamation,itchy sensation,redness,pain and tearing o...