Stye and Chalezion

what is the difference :  STYE and CHALEZION 
Stye (external hordeolum) is an acute suppurative inflammation of gland of Zeis or Moll.
Chalezion (internal hordeolum/meibomian cyst) is a chronic non infective granulomatous inflamation of the meibomian gland.

Causes Of Stye:
Habitual rubbing of the eyes/lids
Common Chronic blepharitic patients
Most recurrent among patients with diabetes mellitus
High alcohol intake increases the risk of Stye onset

Symptoms of Stye :
Acute eyelids pain
Swelling of the lids
Mild watering (tearing)
Localized hard,red tender lid margins(cellulitis )
Ocular Discomfort with light (photophobia )
Abscess formation with visible pus beneath eyelid hair follicles

Treatment of Stye:
1.Hot compresses 2-3 times a day are very useful in cellulitis stage.
Note: when pus point is formed it may be evacuated by epilating (removing ) the involved hair surgery is rarely performed for Stye.
2.Antebiotic eye drops(doxicyclin/ciprofloxacin) 3-4 times daily and an eye ointment (tetracycline ointment )applied at bedtime to control infection.
3.Anti-inflammatory and analgesic will relieve pain and reduce oedema of the lids(Neohycolex +diclofenac)
4.systemic antibiotics are helpful for fast relief.(Amoxicillin + Clavuronic Acid )

Meibomiam gland infections 
Blockage of the meibomian duct:causing fat retention in gland; causing its painless enlargement 
Make-ups(cosmetic maskara,eyeliners)

Signs /symptoms 
Painless lid swelling 
Small hard,non-tender swelling slightly away from the lid margin.
Presents as reddish /grey nodule
May be multiple in one eye or both eyes or involve superior and inferior eyelids.

Treatment :
1.Self- resolution may be helped by using warm compresses,topical antibiotics eyedrops, and NSAIDs
2.Intralesional injection with long - acting Steroid( Triamcinolone) into the chalezion.(this may sometimes result in permanent discoloration of the underlying skin tissues of the area injected)
3.The chalezion can also be debulked by incision and drainage.

NOTE:patients with multiple or recurrent chalazia may have an underlying abnormally in the oil gland,such as the meibomian gland or blepharitis.Your eye doctor with slit lamp examination will make a possible diagnosis of MGD(meibomian gland dysfunction).
Persons with MGD associated with ACNE ROSACEA will need a treatment that involves a daily warm compress on lids,baby shampoo lid scrubs,and a daily controlled dose of mild antebiotics in the tetracycline family or  ,dorxicyclins to alter the consistency in the production of the oil producing glands.
Remember: children,pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers cannot use/contraindicated oral tetracycline
If Doctor finds out chalezion has become chronic resulting whole eyelid infections(preceptal cellulitis).oral antebiotics should be administered.
Patient should be hospitalized and treated with intravenous antebiotics if infection spread to the whole orbit(orbital cellulitis)


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