WATERING EYE Tears are secreted by the main and accessory lacrimal glands and pass laterally accross the ocular surface then evacuated through the canaliculus into the lacrimal sac,nasolacrimal duct and finally into the nose through the valve of Hasner. A variable amount of the tear film is lost through evaporation depending on the ambient temperature,humidity,and the rate of blinks per minute. An inefficiency in any may result in either dry eyes or watering eyes.its worth to know that any abnormal anatomy of the eye or morbidity may also result in watering eyes. General signs and symptoms note: signs are cause specific and may include multiple features of the underlining anormaly profuse tearing pain,rednes,swelling and epihora at the medial canthus in cases of dacrocystitis painless swelling in the inner canthus(mucocele) accumulation of sulphur granules in the canthus incomplete blinks and reduced blinking rate redness of the eye congestion and redness...