Stye and Chalezion

what is the difference : STYE and CHALEZION Stye (external hordeolum) is an acute suppurative inflammation of gland of Zeis or Moll. Chalezion (internal hordeolum/meibomian cyst) is a chronic non infective granulomatous inflamation of the meibomian gland. STYE: Causes Of Stye: Habitual rubbing of the eyes/lids Common Chronic blepharitic patients Most recurrent among patients with diabetes mellitus High alcohol intake increases the risk of Stye onset Symptoms of Stye : Acute eyelids pain Swelling of the lids Mild watering (tearing) Localized hard,red tender lid margins(cellulitis ) Ocular Discomfort with light (photophobia ) Abscess formation with visible pus beneath eyelid hair follicles Treatment of Stye: 1.Hot compresses 2-3 times a day are very useful in cellulitis stage. Note: when pus point is formed it may be evacuated by epilating (removing ) the involved hair surgery is rarely performed for Stye. 2.Antebiotic eye drops(doxicyclin/ciproflox...